It has a minimum alveolar concentration of 105% and a blood/gas partition coefficient of 0.46.
Thus there may be a threshold, or minimum concentration, below which there is no effect, the institute said.
While plasma viral load tests are reliable, they have limitations: virus levels below a minimum concentration may not be detected.
It is a potent anesthetic with a minimum alveolar concentration of 0.74.
Each time, the minimum inhibitory concentration was the same: 8.
The insane three-sided dialogue then resumed at high speed, and it was all Joel could do to maintain even minimum concentration.
The minimum concentration, or partial pressure, of oxygen that can be tolerated is 16 kPa (0.16 bar).
On the DO sag curve a minimum concentration occurs at some point, along a stream.
Ether/air combustion cannot be achieved because minimum necessary concentrations are precluded.
Even if the minimum concentrations are achieved and combustion occurs, our analyses show that the propellant cannot be ignited.