They are used for the manufacture of large diameter pipes and there is a minimum diameter below which the technique becomes unrealistic.
Louat estimated that the minimum diameter of the solar collector would need to be 44+ metres in order to collect "useful energy".
The minimum diameter cutting limit for all timber species including mahogany during this period was 45 cm.
Competition rules require bits to have a minimum diameter, but have no upper limits on thickness.
There is a minimum diameter of 5 centimeters.
The skates must have two pairs of wheels, with a minimum diameter of 3 cm.
Due to this effect, the electron beam converges to some minimum diameter in a plane close to the anode.
The crater's "minimum diameter is 80 km", making it one of the largest of Australia's 30 to 50 known or suspected craters.
The cable must be flexible with a minimum diameter of 8 mm.
Another law increased the minimum allowable diameter for toys recommended for young children from 1.25 inches to 1.75 inches.