First though, you need to assess how far your business goes beyond fulfilling its minimum legal obligations.
Article 18 of the Vienna Convention draws a distinction between a third party stranger to a treaty and one which is a non-party, but has minimum obligations.
No one course can be a panacea, but classes on law and ethics are part of the minimum moral obligation of business schools.
Some Catholics will go beyond the minimum obligations demanded by the Church and undertake a complete fast or a bread and water fast.
Local authorities need comprehensive and coherent policies to meet both these demands and their minimum legal obligations.
The formula sets a minimum child-support obligation of $25 a month for noncustodial parents, regardless of the parents' income.
The minimum obligation required by employers is set to increase to 12% gradually stepping annually from 2013 to 2020.
However, it is also a minimum obligation.
However, the Commission also believes that in order to facilitate the smooth introduction of the euro, the banks should go beyond their minimum legal obligations.
The minimum municipal obligation calculated under this subsection shall be used to determine compliance with the actuarial funding standard.