One example, the Thumper, is a mining drill which is dropped from orbit or by a shuttle, and allows a member of an army to gather crystite anywhere in the world.
Other obstacles in Dead Space 3 include a new human enemy, Unitologist soldiers; and environmental hazards like falling machinery and a giant mining drill.
Made a decent mining drill out of it, didn't I?
Tied in the path of a mining drill, Bond escapes his shackles and flees the mines in a helicopter piloted by Serena.
It was evidently something that she had only very recently acquired, at considerable cost, and it appeared to be resistant to any tool short of a mining drill.
Amira made for a large metal table, which held a collapsed tripod and a high-speed portable mining drill.
Pit, who is fused with a mining drill.
But now they rolled in a huge mining drill: it used a 200-horsepower electric motor to spin its diamond tip at 10,000 r.p.m., with more than a ton of force behind it.
He said the company had recently acquired some mining drills from Kentucky to speed the process of putting holes in the rock.
You're tasked with grabbing a Protoss artifact from the planet, and a huge mining drill has been placed inside a base to blast through the temple's walls.