District coordinator wants a cleanup of some old mining wastes, buried just before the Collapse.
But Texas still ranks first in industrial emissions, excluding mining waste.
Excess mining waste or "overburden" is dumped by large trucks into fills in nearby hollow or valley fills.
For example, many hazardous mining wastes are regulated via mining statutes and regulations.
Marcopper plugged up the Mt. Tapian pit with a concrete fixture to allow it to act as a disposal lake for the mining waste.
A federal judge has also ruled that using settling ponds to remove mining waste from streams violates the Clean Water Act.
In the Keyword Box, type "mining waste" and then click the "Submit" button to receive your search results.
Among the most important allies the Chippewas have recruited are anglers' groups concerned that mining wastes would ruin fishing in the nearby Wolf River.
The study means going through old mining waste and identifying cases of serious environmental problems.
We also stress that this directive must deal with both old mining waste and existing production.