Its initial response seemed to be positive, as a minister described the report as constructive.
Days earlier, the minister had described questions about his conduct as "baseless" and "wild".
I steered to the left, and as the minister had described, the paved road became gravel.
A minister from India described the number of deaths caused by water-borne illnesses as staggering.
Wales's first minister, Carwyn Jones, sent a message of sympathy and described the shock across the country.
A minister describes the otherworldly experience he had after an accident.
One minister described it as a kind of electronic blockade, like having the nation's ports all shut to the sea.
A British minister described the idea as "pouring petrol on a raging fire."
I'm sure a minister would describe it as a long-overdue reform - aloaded term but the oppiste way.
The prime minister, in a statement, described the attacks as "shocking and cowardly."