He has met with most county executives, the mayors of the state's largest cities and a group of black ministers led by the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Other ministers, led by the Iranians, were demanding that total production be sliced by a million barrels a day in an effort to raise prices.
The type of ministers led by Bishop Blake, he said, will grow in both stature and their demands.
During the first few years of his reign he was largely absent from the duchy, leaving its government to his ministers led by Ascanio Mansi.
A select group of ministers led by the Prime Minister forms the security cabinet, responsible for outlining and implementing a foreign and defense policy.
The new ministers and legislators, led by a 41-year-old Prime Minister, are young and idealistic and just plain enthusiastic about taking power.
The king was assisted in his state duties by a council of ministers (Patra and Bhandari), led by a chief called Barbhandari.
On 12 May 2012, the first meeting of a council of 12 ministers led by director Pasquale Squitieri was held to ratify the proposed principality's constitution.
Ter-Petrosyan's key ministers, led by then-Prime Minister Robert Kocharyan, refused to accept a peace plan for Karabakh put forward by international mediators in September 1997.
Our ministers, led by Andrew Lansley, insist that, where these devices were inserted by private firms, it is they who are liable for sorting out the mess.