Presidents and prime ministers started attending in 1975.
None of this would matter if the voters were happy but for the first time, ministers are starting to smell defeat.
John Major agreed: after all, the prime minister started in politics as a local councillor.
But political commentators note that once a prime minister starts talking elections, he tends to start the ball rolling toward one.
The minister started to lead Shavas away when she suddenly looked up and saw Raistlin.
The minister, who had red hair and fire in his eye, started on an upbeat note.
That was to begin today, as 15 ministers started to create a Croat-Muslim administration.
Then began so great an influx of people to Cambuslang that the minister started giving daily sermons and instruction.
The native minister started with a prayer for success in the fishing, and all heads were bared.
We should only hope that the minister doesn't start using the Book of Revelations as his appointments diary.