The prime minister and his cabinet submitted their resignation on 28 November ahead of a mass rally calling for their departure from power.
The Palestinian prime minister, Ahmed Qurei, submitted his resignation on July 17 to protest the chaos in the Palestinian areas.
The following year, the prime minister submitted a report to Emperor Ai, in which he urged that the honors bestowed on Dong be curbed.
Every year, the minister submits a budget to the legislature outlining anticipated expenditures and revenues for the next twelve months.
The prime minister can also submit a vote of confidence of their cabinet to the Sejm.
Gunmen turned their weapons on his security forces in the Gaza Strip, his prime minister submitted his resignation, and his parliament sent him a rare rebuke.
"We decided as ministers to submit our resignations to give him flexibility of movement in the face of the Israeli campaign."
The first reading is where the minister or his deputy submits it to Parliament.
At the third reading, the minister or his deputy formally submit it to a vote for approval.
The prime minister, Ro Jai Bong, submitted his resignation on May 22nd after more than a week of public roasting.