Due to similar habitat requirements and desired prey they tend to compete with other minnow species.
The pebble nest also provides spawning habitat for several other minnow species.
Small fish, including some minnow species, are also known to be consumed at times.
The following document is a proposed monitoring plan for the Tennessee native minnow species called Chrosomus saylori, previously known as Phoxinus saylori.
Kagaki's forage fish include perch, rockbass, sisco, lake shiners and a variety of other minnow species.
This shiner is normally found in mixed schools with other minnow species.
The Cape Fear shiner is often found swimming in mixed schools with other minnow species; however, it is never the most numerous minnow in a mixed school.
Males defend territories in moderately swift water over beds of gravel or near pits constructed by various minnow species.
The eye shape is round during its larval stage and can be compared to other minnow species larvae that have more of an oval shape.
They can be identified from other common minnow species by the black "moustache" on their upper lips, along with a black dot on their dorsal fins.