A number of minor skeletal aberrations were also reported in the infant, including wormian bones at the lambdoid sutures.
Shapes can range from minor aberrations to distinctly ovoid, curved, pinch, or lumpy shapes.
You're making it sound like just a minor aberration here and there.
This sort of thing - a trade with the nonexistent unknowns upstairs - seems a minor aberration to me.
Chekov, whose attention had been summoned by a minor aberration on his board at the crucial moment, had not turned around.
His feet scraped at the wall, investigating like octopus tentacles, till they found purchase and locked on some minor aberration, some imperfection of the brick.
Once again, an- other attempt to make normal love had metamorphosed into the performance of minor aberrations which seemed to satisfy her better than anything else.
Hoping that God will not notice this minor aberration.
Nor is it clear that doctors should bother ferreting out every minor aberration - every cleft lip, every excess finger.
The war of 1932 had been viewed, at least as far as the Western community was concerned, as a minor aberration never to reoccur.