Home treatment often can help relieve minor aches and pains.
When suffering from minor aches and colds, do less running but don't feel you must give up the streak.
It can also help with the minor aches and pains you might experience.
She had always been busy, handling stressful jobs without paying too much attention to minor aches and pains.
Most of these injuries are minor aches or pains and create no lasting effect.
Almost everyone knows about willow bark and its ability to stop the pain of minor aches, for example.
"It was uncomfortable plus for two or three days after I would deal with some minor aches and pains on that side."
Slowly, with a few minor aches and pains, Julian got to his feet.
Ketoprofen should not be used to treat minor aches and pains.
He said, "It is as a minor ache inside a limb joint, which may come with fog, but no more important."