After handling both minor calamities, Whitney turned apologetically to Clayton and saw him frowning as he looked about the room.
While it is not completely indestructible, we have no fears about the T40 getting damaged in any minor calamity.
She has had all the usual experiences, in addition to facing such minor calamities as having her hat knocked to a position on her head that fashion never heard of.
You wonder what Robertson makes of the world's minor calamities and mishaps-the Jets, the Edwardses, nine million Toyotas.
No drips, no minor calamities - and it's absolutely not fair, but what can you do about it?
Some of us are bound to love a movie in which watching "It's a Wonderful Life" leads to a minor calamity.
They may have a particular scarf, jacket or shirt that attracts minor calamities, but if and when it's discarded, that's the end of it: The untoward experiences stop.
One's own calamities, understandably, receive precedence, and Hurricane Andrew is no minor calamity.