However, comparatively minor fluctuations of the lake's level continue to occur.
Since even minor current fluctuations have major weather effects, this should give us pause.
At the time of writing, the euro was a strong and stable currency, although some minor fluctuations are common.
From 3000 years ago to the start of the 19th century, sea level was almost constant, with only minor fluctuations.
The reason is simply a minor fluctuation in the fluid content of your body.
However, the human body can take minor fluctuations in weight with no ill effect.
All subsequent races have been held over that distance with minor fluctuations.
Today, that rate is generally well below two, where it has held steady, with minor fluctuations, for the past century.
It has remained fairly stable ever since with only minor fluctuations.
And since 1967, with minor fluctuations, I have stayed at my normal weight.