Romantic painters turned landscape painting into a major genre, considered until then as a minor genre or as a decorative background for figure compositions.
The still life, which had often been considered a minor genre, flourished throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.
But there's a huge gulf separating scriptwriters and novelizers, as practitioners of this minor literary genre are called.
Namazu-e (catfish prints) are a minor genre of ukiyo-e.
Some may argue this is rather a high price to pay for a minor literary genre, but there you are.
Parani is one of the 96 minor literary genres collectively known as 'Sittrilakkiyam' in Tamil.
In the period just before Indian independence, several new minor musical genres emerged, mainly in the form of playback songs for movies.
The publishing company that cartoonists are thankful to for perhaps starting this minor genre is Fantagraphics.
Franju responded to these comments claiming the film was his attempt to get the minor genre to be taken seriously.
Men dressing as women and engaging in travestied operatic performance has become a minor musical genre of a liberated generation.