Laws requiring some parental involvement in a minor girl's decision to have an abortion are on the books in about two-thirds of the states.
The Suryanelli rape case involved a minor girl from Kerala who was raped by several men over a period of around 40 days in 1996.
The initial charges refer to Bent having inappropriately touched three minor girls in 2006 and 2007.
In the minor girls' 800m, Rachel Hall was third in a season's best of 2-41.6.
The Court also said parents of minor, unwed girls cannot be given an absolute veto over abortions.
According to the reports, Sana tried to kidnap a minor girl who refuted the advances of her cousin.
Canada had also laws against "seducing" minor girls who were over the age of consent.
Five of these other victims were identified as minor girls.
Khairnar was known for rescuing minor girls from human trafficking and prostitution.