"A lot of people who are worried about privacy and those kinds of issues will take any minor misstep that we make and turn it into as big a deal as possible," he said.
Every minor misstep that Gore makes becomes grist for the Gore-abuse mill.
I remembered the broken arm as having come after church, but that was only a minor misstep in the grand dance of memory.
The staff is chatty and self-effacing; any minor missteps - forgetting to pop the top on a bottle of beer, say - are earnestly apologized for.
This administration has made a series of missteps both major and minor; this looks like another one.
In that year, new laws made even relatively minor missteps - shoplifting, cocaine possession - cause enough for a permanent legal resident of the United States to forfeit his membership in American society.
It excused the ineptitude of defense lawyers and penalized death row inmates for minor missteps by competent counsel.
Michael Paoletta from Billboard was less critical, citing it as a "minor misstep in a stellar career that has earned the singer a few free passes.
There are a couple of minor missteps.
While minor missteps before public service should not be overblown, anything less than full accountability while in office is a violation of the public trust and unacceptable.