The crown prince began to take part in active administration from the time of Rajaraja and minor princes were appointed as regional governors.
Was a minor prince of the Merithuran Empire who sought to be emperor, but was unable to earn him the title.
For much of his early years, he was a minor prince borne by a minor queen.
Our car was built in 1928 for Prince Nawanagar, a minor prince but a brilliant cricketer.
The prince was a minor prince born to Ekatotsarot with one of his concubines.
Throughout the 19th century, every newly created state felt obliged to find itself a king, often from the ample supply of minor German princes.
I began life as a minor prince and became a mere runaway youth, swept wherever the waves of war took me.
He'd soon be in the entry level of the nomenklatura, like a minor czarist prince, looking up the ladder and wondering how far he might climb.
But probably the minor princes under Nikolay Romanov had thought and spoken the same way.
At first he held the rank of a taiji (Mongolian rank of a minor prince).