Dates, jaman, pears, phalsa and bananas are also grown in minor quantities in the district.
Mechanically the set has no clear focus, experimenting in minor quantities with sacrifice and a tribal subtheme.
Also it is possible to find Andean and Chilean flamingos, but in a minor quantity.
Date, jaman, pears, falsa and banana are also grown in minor quantities in the district.
-% H as well as minor quantities of ammonia, nitrogen, and unreacted methane.
Jaman, pears, dates, pomegranates, phalsa and almonds are also grown in minor quantities.
Most coprolites are composed chiefly of calcium phosphate, along with minor quantities of organic matter.
In 1870, only minor quantities of crops were shipped out to Batangas due to neglected agricultural development.
Even though the micronutrients are used by plants in minor quantities compared to the big three nutrients, they are important.
Almonds are also grown in minor quantities.