Many of these new capabilities will offer energy savings to you, but some may also include minor sacrifices or inconveniences, and for those, utilities are likely to offer financial incentives to encourage you to participate.
Cattle and sheep who flock into our pews in the hopes that their minor sacrifice of time will bring them absolution for the miserable ways in which they conduct their lives.
But efforts to turn it into an advocate of responsible policy have failed: like the broader body politic, the A.A.R.P. has been unable to defy its own vocal minorities, who are refusing to make even minor sacrifices.
A minor sacrifice.
For a minor sacrifice in speed or hard disk capacity, you may get a much better active-matrix screen at a good price.
The minor sacrifices - the animals, those were done.
But what keeps Israelis going about their daily lives - and what might help Americans do the same despite the fear of violence here - is the conspicuousness of the response and the minor sacrifices that have to be made every day.
There were major and minor sacrifices at each month-end feast.
It is my opinion, therefore, that, as we enter the final straits of the negotiations, each country will recognise the common benefits of an ambitious constitutionalisation of the integration process, despite the minor, specific sacrifices that some provisions may involve.
If, however, this was the morning when Aivas would set in train the results of two Turns of hard studying and work, the early rising would be a minor sacrifice.