Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers (sedatives) that prevent or stop seizures by slowing down the central nervous system.
Antianxiety medicines, including minor tranquilizers, relieve anxiety and mild agitation and may help calm the person.
When minor tranquilizers are needed, short-term or occasional use often is better than continuous use.
Oxazepam and lorazepam (Ativan) are minor tranquilizers sometimes used to treat dementia.
Anxiolytics are also known as minor tranquilizers.
The first minor tranquilizer was Meprobamate.
Valium was the most versatile of the minor tranquilizers.
This topic gives you basic information about antibiotics, minor tranquilizers, and sleeping pills.
Benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam (Ativan, for example), are minor tranquilizers or sedatives that slow down the central nervous system.
Typical psychiatric medications include stimulants, antidepressants, hypnotic minor tranquilizers and neuroleptics (antipsychotics).