Lansbury was one of a minority socialist bloc which was often able, through its energy and commitment, to win support for its plans.
This election follows the Muslim Brotherhood completing the five-year parliamentary term in which it held on as the largest-ever minority bloc.
Thus, the minority bloc (March 14 Alliance) accused them of forming a pro-Syria government in Lebanon.
The eleccionista Colorado Party won some seats in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, forming a minority bloc.
The minority bloc includes all of his party's members.
The minority bloc, Nacionalista Party and the NPC did not have a common stand but instead had a "conscience vote."
Needless to say, the minority blocs cannot check the majorities' mail.
Though they are typically on the sidelines, the minority blocs play an important role in the rare instances when the Legislature tries to override a veto.
Shan-wei's reputation, her leadership of the minority bloc on the Administrative Council, would have made it impossible for anyone to believeshe supported the Administrator.
"In principle" agreement was reached by a majority of delegates for an Australian Republic (though a minority bloc of monarchists dissented).