What happened to the Russian laws giving rights to minority holders?
Partial tender offers are often designed to set off a stampede among investors who fear they may be left behind as minority holders in an illiquid, private company.
Any shareholders not covered by the tender offer would presumably become minority holders, who would lose the equal say they now enjoy as a group in Penrod's affairs.
But it lacks much negotiating leverage because it is a minority holder and has no management voice.
Analysts said an increased offer from Chrysler that would benefit minority holders was unlikely.
The right assures that if the majority shareholder sells his stake, minority holders are forced to join the deal.
In 1988, Renault (as minority holder) and IMV formed a joint venture and created Revoz.
There's a chance, too, that some raider might come along and pay minority holders a premium for their shares.
The brothers purchased a 1/3 interest in Greenwood Furnace from a minority holder in 1837, and bought it entirely from the Kembles in 1839.
The control of the company rests with the Setubal and Vilella families, with the Camargo Corrêa family as minority holder.