Legal cases have been brought against law enforcement officers who allegedly focused disproportionately on members of minority races.
Currently, the Xenoa is a minority race.
For example, people who checked both "white" and one minority race in 2000 were counted in a single-race minority group.
We profess to respect human beings, yet we have a major national problem in trying to achieve equal rights for people of a minority race.
Nor is his isolation made easier by being a member of a minority race.
This group constitutes the smallest minority race in the United States.
Others tell their children that if one parent is white, society will see them as members of the minority race.
At least one candidate in the team must belong to a minority race.
He claimed that Sinhalese women must take care and to avoid Mischling with minority races of the country.
Property qualifications have tended to disenfranchise a minority race, particularly if tribally-owned land is not allowed to be taken into consideration.