Each tribe would use much of the ninety minutes allotted to them singing together, and he soon learned which tribal song each tribe liked best.
In special circumstances, the broadcast is extended beyond the 30 minutes allotted when deemed necessary.
There is a total of 45 minutes allotted for breaks between blocks and you will be responsible for managing your break time.
That choice, however, will most likely come down to the frantic five minutes allotted each team.
The studio wanted two minutes allotted to the prologue.
At the end of the two minutes allotted, they then have their number of dunk attempts limited to two.
He did not give us the full five minutes allotted.
We have drafted an excellent joint resolution covering many aspects which I cannot repeat in the two minutes allotted to me.
He has spoken for precisely the five minutes allotted to him.
Although I tried, it was physically impossible to go through a fully loaded garbage truck in the few minutes allotted before it reached its home base.