The individual, on the other hand, paid the minutest attention to the training of his body, and exercising himself with all his weapons.
God is a being who is not so distracted by managing the universe that He can't pay minute attention to everyone in it.
This kind of work required on the part of the workmen extreme nicety and minute attention.
She studied his face carefully, with minute attention.
Matsudaira stood at the scene of the crime and examined everything with minute attention to detail.
A major part of the thrill was paying minute attention to detail - at every stage of the game.
Julia was studying her nails with minute attention.
And the President, liberated by those who had detained him, stepped up to the table and began, with minute attention, to select a sword.
You are incapable of minute attention to detail.
At length he approached the huge trunk, walked slowly around it, and examined it with minute attention.