Watch for the miracle baby to appear out of thin air with no details.
She became known as a "miracle baby" and was featured in media worldwide.
We all still remember her bravery while investigating the story of little Mary, the miracle baby for 8 years.
"There are miracle babies," Kevin said, his voice lifting as if in question.
So if Gaea smiles on us, we'll have more than one miracle baby.
Marianne, the third-born, the sole daughter, was to be the miracle baby.
Lenore would subsequently refer to Mitt as her miracle baby.
But Showy, a 3-year-old whose natural mother died two weeks ago, is something of a miracle baby, Marder said.
Jack was something of a miracle baby.
At the time the babies in the study were born in the mid-1980s, a 1-pound baby that survived was considered a "miracle baby."