All the Janamsakhis record miraculous acts and supernatural conversations.
Only death, or a miraculous act of mercy, can release them.
Ask yourselves, oh Americans, what is it that made those 19 young men engage in such a legendary and miraculous act?
The noble traditions or hadith on the other hand do contain this and there are many reports of companions of prophet Muhammad performing miraculous acts.
Some of the miraculous acts of the form are notable.
"What can we do for a young man who performs such a miraculous act for us?"
Some Christians believe that this must have involved a miraculous creative act, while others are comfortable with the idea that God worked through the evolutionary process.
Next day many people with the curiosity of this miraculous act, came to Madar Sahib and accepted Islam.
He was backing them up with miraculous acts of compassion, like healing the blind.
This is a miraculous and supernatural act of God.