This has been lost, as Darcy Ribeiro says: Thus they passed millenia, until they came up against the armed agents of our civilisation, with their capacity to attack and mortally wound the miraculous balance achieved by those complex lifeforms.
One small but miraculous balance to the horrors the chimes had brought had been that it had given their love the opportunity to bring a child to life.
Throughout the show, paintings suddenly seem to break up, then catch themselves and hold together in a miraculous balance.
The answer may be this: that the beauty lies not in Debussy's gauzy orchestral complexity, but in something more fundamental, a design of simple wind solos held in miraculous balance.
It is unfortunate that you chose to go back on a text which is a credit to the European Parliament, striking, as it in one sense did, a miraculous balance between protecting our industry and guaranteeing the universality of the language of software and the freedom of access to it.
"The seesaw between Iranian and American appeared to have arrived at a miraculous balance."
Mr. Wainwright described the music as achieving a miraculous balance of penetrating emotion and classical symmetry.