Then a miraculous occurrence indicated to the monk that Muhammad was to become a prophet.
The Karmapa was very well received during his visit and a number of miraculous occurrences were reported.
The process was reversed due to a seemingly miraculous occurrence.
Karle was in no position to question this miraculous occurrence.
Others began leaving stones at his tomb, attributing miraculous occurrences to them.
The facts remained the same indeed, but around them gathered a mist of miraculous occurrences and legends.
The way to approach "miraculous occurrences," he decided, was to be "very straight and very simple."
However, due to a miraculous occurrence, he survives relatively unharmed.
The man with the wolfish face was not present to view this miraculous occurrence.
The book looks at the original reasons a place became known as a site of miraculous occurrences that continued to draw visitors.