The miraculous return of Napoleon has conquered me, the legitimate monarch is he who is loved by his people.
First there were mysterious tears, then brazen theft, followed by a seemingly miraculous return.
The dead have come back before, it insisted, bringing up the miraculous return of Leie.
So formidable had the creature been, that they almost expected it somehow to make a miraculous return from the maw of the Black Hole.
It would take a miraculous return to get the Titans into field-goal position, let alone gain them a touchdown.
Evidently, things had taken a turn for the better, especially with the miraculous return of Spock.
To many, James's unexpected and miraculous return had been a sign that things were changing for the better, an omen of better times to come.
I thought of that when I read the news of his miraculous return.
Someone or thing may facilitate his miraculous return from apparent death.
They receive a telephone call telling them of the miraculous return of the lost regiment.