Ephrem celebrated what he saw as the miraculous salvation of the city in a hymn that portrayed Nisibis as being like Noah's Ark, floating to safety on the flood.
The White House and the Pentagon are ready to shift to Plan B. But Plan B is their empty term for miraculous salvation.
This telling describes the slavery of the Jewish people and their miraculous salvation by God.
At first ecstatic about their miraculous salvation, Joe puts a damper on things by telling Patricia about his fatal brain cloud.
A legend describes the miraculous salvation of Tsar Alexis of Russia from a bear by Saint Sava.
According to Jonas' analysis, many people at the time felt profoundly alienated from the world in which they lived, and longed for a miraculous salvation as an escape from the constraints of political and social existence.
No Hallel, neither "Full" nor "Partial", is recited on Purim, despite the fact that there was a miraculous salvation, for several reasons:
That feeling of guilt would not have been easy to admit in church, where she had testified gratefully to her miraculous salvation amid cries from her fellow congregants: praise the Lord; he was there with you.
Unless the potential of this Site can provide a fast, appropriate, miraculous salvation.
Seeing the miraculous salvation of Kyriake many pagans believed in Christ; they were all beheaded however.