Swaying on one knee, still dazed, he stared at the girl as pilgrims might stare at miraculous visions, or lost wanderers at the Pole star.
The two men and the original pilgrims meet again at an inn, where they tell a local priest about their recent miraculous vision.
"To anyone else, this miraculous vision looks like static on a television screen."
The story of Jacob in exile mingles the most miraculous visions with another round of domestic entanglements.
Meanwhile the town is overwhelmed by outsiders seeking to share or exploit the girls' miraculous vision.
The first, entitled Speculum ("The Mirror"), describes three miraculous visions and their meanings.
What inspired you to use the miraculous vision?
Following a miraculous vision by Eberhard, the new church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
When he landed on the roof, he was just Tom again, and that miraculous insightful vision was gone.
"I doubt if I'm saintly enough to be having miraculous visions, Monsignor."