In a few minutes, and with minimal discomfort, 5, 10 or more years can miraculously vanish from your face.
They told of men, women, and children who read minds, who moved objects through space with no visible power, and who miraculously vanished and reappeared at will.
It is only a local call, he explained, and the banknote vanished miraculously.
For South Africa's economic problems - high unemployment, a low growth rate, and a crippling shortage of skills - will not miraculously vanish when apartheid goes.
Within days, the pain miraculously vanished.
The deposition was over in a flash, and the other participants miraculously vanished without a trace.
He recalled the strange personality of George Clarendon; how the man could appear and vanish almost miraculously.
Yet the indestructible prisoner never stays down for long, and his scratches and bruises miraculously vanish.
The leg cramp miraculously vanished as I reached out with both arms and grabbed Larry's shoulders.