This means that a telescope with a certain mirror diameter can theoretically resolve up to a certain limit at a certain wavelength.
The spherical primary mirror diameter is 600 mm, and it is on a German-type equatorial mount.
Newton's first compact reflecting telescope had a mirror diameter of 1.3 inches and a focal ratio of f/5.
The main instrument, a Cassegrain reflector with Nasmyth focus, with a mirror diameter of 90 inches and 9 feet Focal length, is one of the largest publicly accessible telescope in Europe.
The size of reflecting telescopes would subsequently grow rapidly, with designs doubling in primary mirror diameter about every 50 years.
In the "faster, better, cheaper" era in the mid-1990s, NASA leaders pushed for a space telescope with low-cost and 8 meter primary mirror diameter.
The maximum range was considered to be 10 miles for each inch of mirror diameter.
ATLAST will have a primary mirror diameter in the 8-m to 16.8-m range.
KH-11 satellites are believed to resemble the Hubble Space Telescope in size and shape, as the satellites were shipped in similar containers, and had comparable primary mirror diameters.
Common chip dimensions are 4 mm x 5 mm for mirror diameters between 1 and 3 mm.