As the main antagonist, Hiram seems to be the personification of a misanthropic view of humanity - greedy, Machiavellian, and entirely self-serving.
Vladimir has the only social conscience in the play (compare Estragon's misanthropic view of humanity: "People are bloody ignorant apes!")
Many artists express extreme anti-Christian and misanthropic views, and several of the genre's "second wave" pioneers have been convicted for church burnings and murder.
Underlying both assumptions is a misanthropic view of humanity.
Furedi is no fan of climate alarmism because he views it as another expression of risk--adverse modern society and a misanthropic view of human progress.
It's a dark, misanthropic view of things that focuses obsessively on death, suicide, the wasting effects of time and the isolation of the individual.
The hero of Searching for Bobby Fischer struggles against adopting the aggressive and misanthropic views of a world chess champion.
Many critics see his worldview as a misanthropic, Hobbesian view of nature as essentially evil and savage.
Estragon has a misanthropic view of humanity: he considers people to be "ignorant apes" and seems to want them to leave him alone.