The second volume (Ymagines, continued, 1180-1202, minor works, and miscellaneous documents appended to the preface) contains minor works which are the barest compendia of facts taken from well-known sources.
For tourist information literature and advertising material see Notice 342 Importing miscellaneous documents and other related articles free of duty and VAT.
As early as 1932, General Bertrand bought a bundle of miscellaneous secret documents dealing with the use of the encoding machine from a functionary of the German Ministry of Defense known as Asche.
And she transferred half a dozen Department of Agriculture pamphlets and other miscellaneous printed documents from her briefcase to my desk.
Importing miscellaneous documents and other related articles free of duty and VAT (Updates 1, 2, 3 and 4)
Soon he had a stack of unopened mail, one of interoffice memos, and another of miscellaneous documents.
To this end, on June 21, his representatives provided us with 77 pages of miscellaneous documents purporting to relate to direct and indirect costs incurred in the development of the National Energy Policy.
It tells you how you can permanently import miscellaneous documents and related articles into the UK from:
The relief covers miscellaneous documents and related articles which are either:
For importing miscellaneous documents and articles as described in Volume I Part 10.3.5 of the Tariff, not covered by any other CPC, use 40 00 C36.