It allows the team to skip any single task (including Roadblocks, Detours, and miscellaneous tasks, but not the Fast Forward task), once, during the race.
Faught also worked part-time at a motorcycle shop called Orange County Cycle in Garden Grove, CA performing miscellaneous tasks for the parts, sales and service departments.
Recommissioned 17 August, she performed miscellaneous tasks, such as survey work and photography missions, while attached to Naval Air Station, Pearl Harbor.
The material available is a mixture of videos, word documents and other miscellaneous tasks.
Upon defeating bosses and completing miscellaneous tasks, new types of magic become available.
With the aid of scales printed on the frame it also helps with such miscellaneous tasks as converting time, distance, speed, and temperature values, compass errors, and calculating fuel use.
Pharmacy Management is used to change drug locations, lookup pharmacy staff information, generate reports, and complete miscellaneous tasks.
Every week there is a Quick Sniff Challenge, which involves the groomers doing a miscellaneous task which could be helpful to their grooming career.
Several months of additional work was needed to finalise traffic light operations, gardens, and other miscellaneous tasks.
An additional task in Leg 4 was presented to teams as a Roadblock but was aired as a miscellaneous task.