She turned to face David with a mischievous expression.
She looked at him with the droll, mischievous expression of a child.
In the darkness, I could just make out her mischievous expression, as if she were simultaneously scandalized and thrilled by what had happened.
I close my eyes, unable to bear the relaxed, merely mischievous expression on his face.
With his thumb in mouth, the smirking, mischievous expression on his face says it all.
Amberley grinned again, the mischievous expression I found so appealing back on her face.
George grinned, eyebrows raised - the same mischievous expression I remembered from years before, when he was homing in on some core economic truth.
Then he looked at them with an almost mischievous expression.
As usual, the Georgian was wearing a mischievous expression.
He looked down at her mischievous expression, and his eyes narrowed.