She couldn't bear the thought of that trusting, mischievous face screwed up in misery.
Arthur looked into the radiant, mischievous face, with a grave and very tender smile.
The temptation to remain close to that vital, mobile and somehow mischievous face was great, but it had to be resisted.
"Stick it up my rear," she whispered, turning a smiling, mischievous face to Timur.
Only the capering Carnelian showed his true, mischievous face.
A'Lee's mischievous face came into my mind.
David Stern has a quicksilver mind, a sphagnum-soft voice, a mischievous face and a contemplative stare.
He had a cheeky mischievous face and his fine blond hair came down almost to his shoulders.
Her tangled hair fell over a mischievous, beautiful face from which laughing eyes, serious now, watched intently every move of the Yuma.