The turning point occurred when a Kerberos member, during a routine investigation, beat a misdemeanor offender to death.
Supporters of the idea said too many misdemeanor offenders were slipping through the cracks because of the backlogs.
However, the parks department also gets work crews of misdemeanor offenders doing community service time.
The package would also include a proposal to match defendants to social services and a plan for minimum-security work camps for misdemeanor offenders.
New mimimum-security work camps for misdemeanor offenders would make punishment an alternative to the current system.
The program's sentencing arrangement targeted jail-bound felony and misdemeanor offenders.
The idea has already broadened to include misdemeanor offenders, who pay the municipality a fee to wear the bracelet.
He first ordered patrol officers to bring misdemeanor offenders, like people who jumped subway turnstiles or drank in public, into station houses for warrant checks.
By 1961, the inmate population consisted of misdemeanor offenders, which averaged approximately 200 males and 50 females.
They also said they would use probationers and misdemeanor offenders sentenced to community service to remove graffiti.