All the liquor which ever found its way into our miserable hut, my father had guzzled himself.
On the whole island there were but three miserable huts, and one of these was vacant when I arrived.
I did not bum all the treasures the Mighty People had hidden away in their miserable huts.
He who stood watch over me in that miserable hut.
We worked at a pathetic village - miserable huts and dirty.
At night he was heard weeping in his miserable hut.
The miserable huts were empty, but as at Strathmuir, had not been burnt.
I laid her carefully in a miserable hut, and watched beside her.
The night came, and I sat by her side in a miserable hut, with the feeble lamp flickering while she lay as in death.
The miserable huts that had served Drakonius' peasants were quickly replaced with more substantial homes.