On Thursday, a Federal jury convicted four Miami police officers of misleading investigators in an effort to cover up the killing.
The committee also accused Walsh of intentionally misleading investigators.
He was subsequently put under "show-cause" restraint by the N.C.A.A. for three years for loaning money to a player and misleading investigators.
Early Wednesday morning, the Montreal police charged him with public mischief and obstruction of justice for deliberately misleading investigators about his identity.
The other commissioner, Leo S. Levy, was charged last month with misleading investigators in the case.
In a news conference yesterday, Mr. Spitzer accused senior executives at Marsh of misleading investigators.
If they had been charged under a federal statute against misleading federal investigators, the court stated, "we have no doubt that such a jury verdict would be upheld."
Some legal experts say the prosecutors' chances of obtaining federal convictions on other charges of misleading investigators may be limited.
The investigation into the leak led to criminal charges in October against Mr. Libby, who is accused of misleading investigators and a grand jury.
Mr. Williams did not accuse Mr. Verniero of actually hiding information or misleading Federal investigators.