The main missions, too, proceed in a slightly misleading manner.
The client may put his question in a misleading manner, or even base it on a completely erroneous conception of the facts.
Howard also invokes famous thinkers in a self-serving and even misleading manner.
Blake's specific criticism of individuals is based on the type of threat he believed they posed, especially when a work uses true beliefs but in a misleading manner.
It may involve spinning information that is technically true, but that is presented in a misleading manner or is presented without the necessary context.
The Star printed an apology, stating in part, "The column made reference to Ms. Phillips' writings in an entirely misleading and inappropriate manner."
In addition to cybersquatting, the defendants also produced instructions (including a video) on how to use Microsoft's marks in a misleading manner to maximize traffic to the website.
The match started in the most misleading manner possible, as Federer delivered a double-fault on the first point.
The candidate used the survey results in a misleading manner in order to bolster his own arguments.
B Readers shall not advertise or publicize themselves through any medium or forum of public communication in an untruthful, misleading, or deceptive manner.