All the Jobs Creation Act accomplished was to hand companies a nice little present with a big, fat price tag and a misleading name.
This is, however, a potentially misleading name for the model because it is far more general in its application than to so-called rating scales.
That unfortunate, misleading name was dropped a few months later.
The Scene continued for the second season of the series with a misleading name.
There are two theories for the misleading name.
Perhaps it was the misleading name: Civil War, a flagrant contradiction.
It is a criminal offence for a company to use a misleading name (s. 33 Companies Act 1985).
It was called the Amnesty Bill, but the name's misleading.
One of the most useful maneuvers in modern bidding has a misleading name.
Widely distributed in a popular field guide, this photo led to the misleading common name, in use since the mid-20th century, becoming firmly established.