I worry that potential students will pass up the opportunity of a Rutgers education as a result of this kind of misleading representation.
Over the years, there have been many instances where trailers give misleading representations of their films.
Truth of mind is a representation, always an inadequate, most often a misleading representation, and even when most accurate, only a reflection, Truth's shadow and not its body.
Plain meaning of the statutory language Kleffman tried to construct the section 17529.5(a)(2) by defining the term misrepresent as giving a misleading representation or idea.
Raccontar fole (1999) An essay on the misleading representation of Sardinia given by historians and travellers in the 18th and 19th century.
These assumptions about what literacy 'really' is generate misleading representations of the political and ideological nature of Melanesian responses to colonialism.
Richard Gough claimed the developer had used misleading and deceptive representations about the financing of the property and its future value in order to secure a sale.
"States may maintain fraud actions when fund-raisers make false or misleading representations designed to deceive donors about how their donations will be used."
In contending the money went to the government and not to individual officers, "the statements amount to a knowingly misleading representation by Freeport," the comptroller said.
David Jones claimed that this statement contained a number of misleading and deceptive representations - including that "David Jones eroticises children in order to obtain profits".