In January 2012, Lola Quinlan, an elderly, stage IV cancer patient, sued Dr Burzynski for using false and misleading tactics to swindle her out of $100,000.
They also said they lost the referendums because of false, misleading and unethical tactics by those seeking to tear down the building.
And while many of the companies they shop with understand and feel their financial pain, others are adopting what can only be described as misleading and thus consumer-unfriendly tactics.
Cang appeared unimpressed, while Thieu and Ky made indirect and vague comments about what they perceived to be misleading tactics during the talks.
The judge cited Mr. Burstein's "unfair and misleading tactics at trial" and his submission of a document that was said to include a client's false statement.
The Oregon Department of Justice fined Vivent/APX $60,000 for "targeting elderly Oregonians with misleading and high-pressure sales tactics.
The ad is gone, but the congressman should know better than to try to be cute about rejecting responsibility for the misleading tactics from his own party organization.
Manufacturing Dissent is a 2007 documentary that asserts that filmmaker Michael Moore has used misleading tactics, primarily using on-camera statements by interviewees with personal grievances against Moore as proof.
This view is developed in a way which partly reduplicates the misleading tactics he identifies at work in the 1950s.
Far from obviating a Congressional remedy, however, New York's misleading tactics underscore the need for it.