These heteroduplexes lead to mismatch repair.
MutLα acts as the matchmaker or facilitator, coordinating events in mismatch repair.
It has been experimentally shown that mismatch repair is random if neither strand is methylated.
It looks like hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer is due to a defect in mismatch repair.
He had already identified the bacterial proteins used for mismatch repair and discovered the spelling checker protein.
But there are two yeast genes for mismatch repair.
This may occur as a mismatch repair between the strands of DNA which are derived from different parents.
Thus the mismatch repair can convert one allele into the other.
Significantly altered expression of miR-592 has been observed between tumours deficient and proficient for mismatch repair in colon cancer.
Mutations in this gene have been associated with colorectal cancer with defective mismatch repair.