I spent the most time with a mismatched collection of worn wooden blocks of assorted shapes and sizes.
The title character is just one of a mismatched collection of peculiar and melancholy Glaswegians whose interactions are observed with tolerant, amused curiosity.
They carefully poured out tiny portions of the outlawed liquor into a mismatched collection of glasses.
He carries his beer with lime to the pool table and picks out a stick from the mismatched collection propped in a corner.
Torre is not changing his persona, but he is clearly trying to cajole Steinbrenner's $200 million team, which looks like a mismatched collection of has-beens on many nights.
The large tent was dirty white with a pointed roof and was erected with a mismatched collection of hand-whittled sticks and metal poles.
And this mismatched collection of people that adversity has brought to Honora's endangered home?
The furniture was a mismatched collection of wicker and castoffs, swathes of navy-and-purple cotton distinguishing the worn arms, lending continuity to the look of the place.
In the end, Homer is left with a mismatched collection of parts stuck in hardened cement, which angers him.
Swinehild took a bottle from under the bar, selected two cloudy glasses from the mismatched collection heaped in the wooden sink, and poured out two stiff drinks.