The station's second time with the format capitalized on dance music, and largely ignored songs with violent and misogynistic lyrics.
She quotes misogynistic hip-hop lyrics, then denounces them.
Using such misogynistic lyrics allows degradation of their female counterparts while boosting themselves up.
Some have argued that rap artists use misogynistic lyrics and portrayals as a way to assert their masculinity or to demonstrate their authenticity as rappers.
Misogyny has become a sign of authenticity for some rappers, who use misogynistic lyrics and depictions of violence against women to prove that they are authentic gangstas.
According to a 2009 content analysis by Weitzer and Kubrin, 22% of rap songs surveyed contained misogynistic lyrics.
Tyler has also been criticized for his graphic depictions of violence against women and his misogynistic lyrics.
Her immense popularity in the black community took a knock when she condemned rap music for its misogynistic lyrics.
Despite some openly homophobic and misogynistic lyrics, Hipodil were never really a racist or a sexist band.
Interscope's rappers may be criticized for their angry and misogynistic lyrics, but they also show a soft side.